fls supports the improvement of leadership through sport
Leadership is a fundamental driver of performance for individuals, teams, coaches, administrators and whole organisations. We work with these groups to develop leadership qualities that will aid success whether within or outside the sporting environment.
Our aim is to encourage and facilitate athletes and sporting organisations to invest in leadership development. This includes National Governing Bodies of Sport, universities and clubs.
Directors and Associates have extensive top-level experience in leading and coaching within sport, business, public service and the military. The know-how and knowledge of world-class practices is drawn from all these sectors.
FLS seeks to assist in improving the effectiveness of sports organisations, enhancing sporting performance and enabling athletes to transfer their leadership skills to careers and fields beyond sport.
FLS is collaborating with the Centre for Army Leadership, based at Sandhurst, to deliver our biggest event yet, a virtual conference that will be attended by more than 1,000 people. There is no charge for participation. We hope you might wish to join us. whether or not you are a member of FLS. Please inform any others who you think might be interested in attending.
The theme is ‘Leading through Crisis’, and we will be joined by some amazing leaders from sport, business and the military to talk about crisis response, operating in chaos/uncertainty and future challenges.
This link leads to the registration details- https://bit.ly/36O7Re0
“What a fantastic conference you put on today’. I honestly think it was more interesting and useful than the leadership courses I took at INSEAD - supposedly one of the top global MBA’s”
“David Marquet was a tremendous speaker, and I particularly enjoyed the afternoon panels on communication”
“A really inspiring and powerful day of learning on ‘the Language of Leadership’. A huge thanks to Bob Reeves and all the FLS team for putting on such a great day of content and to all the speakers, especially David Marquet. Now to go and implement”
what we do
FLS delivers and supports courses and workshops, working with universities, sporting organisations and elite sportsmen and women. We advise on corporate leadership and leadership development, facilitating the improvement of performance of organisations, teams and individuals. We adopt an ‘action learning’ philosophy, seeking to encourage leadership capability in the workplace and the sporting environment.
We are working with a group of elite sportsmen and women to assist in developing their leadership capabilities (see Elite Leaders Programme under Coaching and Mentoring)
FLS also acts as a disseminator of information via the website. The open part of the site provides information about relevant programmes available within the field of sport-related leadership, as well as up-to-date publications. The members-only section includes papers or journal references, some of which relate to FLS workshops and courses.
who we are
FLS is led by, and draws knowledge from, four Directors, each of whom is an established leader in sport, high-level business or both. Associates are experts in leadership within and through sport, who are actively engaged in promoting or delivering the mission of FLS, or or are engaged in related research.
Applications for membership of FLS is open to anyone who has a particular interest in leadership and sport.
The FLS website provides information about articles, research papers and other publications which add knowledge to the emerging field of Leadership through Sport. These are selected by an ‘editorial team’. The ‘members only’ part of the website provides more detail from workshops and presentations, as well as offering the opportunity to engage in dialogue with other members