FLS has designed and delivered a number of courses for athletes, sports administrators and business executives on leadership and leader development. These courses generally deploy ‘action learning’ based on attendance at workshops interspersed with practical workplace projects, collection of feedback, reflection on leader behaviours and coaching to improve.  A developing field is to consider how sports coaches might coach in such a way as to develop leaders.


Bob Reeves delivered a course for sports captains at the University of Bristol, designed to enhance individual leadership skills and in consequence to improve the performance of university teams and clubs.  This course was also concentrated in the form of a workshop for sports captains at Loughborough University.

As part of the MBA in International Sports Management at Loughborough University, Vic Luck designed and delivered a workshop on leadership and leadership development for sports sector executives.

Course Director Andy Reed said:

‘On our MBA we have the next generation of leaders in sport, so having Vic deliver this workshop as part of the final summer school was an ideal way to equip them to develop their thinking and practice around leadership in sport management. Vic is an excellent facilitator able to bring out the best thinking amongst our students. Of course, MBA students will already have extensive workplace experience, but this challenged and encouraged their thinking and motivation to put leadership at the heart of their work’